Sense You Wellness Courses
What Our Clients Say...
Suzy completed the "Relationship Redesign" Sense You Wellness Course
Sense You Wellness Virtual Courses
These online courses are all designed to help you heal and release into your sensuality and energy in a way to assist you with living your best life, full sensuality and somatic sensual experiencing.
We approach all of this work from a holistic perspective, mind, body and spirit, with honour for your own personal experiences and belief systems!
All courses are hosted on the Thinkific Student Platform, and any questions you have while travelling on your online course journey can be asked via email with feedback and support from the Intimacy Coach International Team.
Not ready to do an online course just yet? Want to subscribe to see what's coming up,, receive free gifts or stay in touch? Subscribe HERE
Our Online Courses:
Available through the Thinkific platform for access with laptop, iPad or even your mobile phone
Pay safely and securely through Thinkifics' encrypted secure payment channels for peace of mind
Our Courses all have videos, tutorials and notes on techniques
We help you with Interactive feedback and questions, you're not alone!
Want to join a Sacred Community Circle?
Perhaps you've started your personal journey into Sense You Wellness and sacred sensuality or Neo Tantra and would like to join our Community Zoom Calls to have support and discussions about this journey?
We meet once a month and will send you a Zoom link to join in!
There's no charge for this Circle, you just have to be a subscriber, but we are limited to numbers for attendees to get the best experience for everyone who chooses to book and attend.