Certified Intimacy Coach
Intimacy & Felicity Coach
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Preet is based in India (NCR - National Capital Region including Delhi, Gurgoan, Faridabad and Noida) and also offers sessions online
"When I found the divinity in sexuality and the expression of it, I was empowered to operate to mutual satisfaction in my most intimate relationships, gaining coaching skills along the way"
Having earned a Certification as ‘Registered Intimacy Coach’ from Intimacy Coach international, Preet’s journey of self-transformation and taking inspired action in the field of intimacy coaching is continuing and her commitment is so laser focused that she has adopted the second name ‘Alingan’, which in Sanskrit means an embrace to signify self-love and to signify her ability to teach others to raise the bar on experiencing intimacy!
Preet believes that she is the right fit as a coach to those who see intimacy as a divine vehicle to enhance their relationship with self and with others! She believes that every individual deserves nothing short of living a fulfillling intimate relationship as that is the divine source of all shared energy and empowerment.
How Preet can help you
Do you wish to rekindle your intimate relationship but don’t know how to?
Do you feel the need to heal from a past intimate relationship but feel stuck there?
Do you feel your belief systems are limiting you from attracting an intimate relationship?
Do you yearn to experience heart-pounding ecstasy, deep companionship and playfulness?
Do you seek to overcome challenges, doubts and fears around sexual incompatibility?
If you are faced with such or similar feelings, congratulations!! You are already demonstrating the need to cause an inspirational and motivational shift in your intimate life!

My Story - Preet Alingan
For Preet, life was cluttered, painful, ugly, and directionless.
The yearning for love, stability and intimacy made Preet dream of building a family and standing strong on her own two feet – both literally and figuratively.
Defying norms and in protecting her rights, Preet became a mother out of wedlock and built a successful career in exhibitions overseas amidst single parenthood and social apathy. Her second marriage broughtthe bliss of family bonding that she had yearned for but that paradise was punctured with her ongoing personal battles.
Constantly having to protect and fend for herself from an early age, the control freak inher caused cracks in marital bliss. Her sense of self-worth was at stake again especially with another round of depression and Bipolar Disorder.
Struck by polio in one leg at the age of two, discriminated by the family for being a dusky-skinned girlchild, caught up in parental discord and separation, molested as a teenager, pulled out of formal education at the tender age of 14 to financially support younger siblings, and a depressed divorcee at 21!
Preet battled her emotional baggage and set out on a path to raise her deservability in every area that otherwise bracketed her as weak, worthless and vulnerable. Her complex formative years became the foundation for bold, unconventional, self-serving yet compassionate choices that shaped her as the eclectic and vibrant person that she is today!
Feeling caged, Preet started to run, not knowing that the legs that she was discriminated for would
become one of her greatest strengths for inner healing. Spotted and trained rigorously by a running coach, Preet ran a marathon with able bodied runners and clocked 10 kilometers in 1 hour 14 minutes!
Kicked by this victory, she was hungry for exploring and regaining her self-worth. Her healing journey continued with coaching support from mentors and hypnotherapists including Beryl Comar, Thaddeus Lawrence, Puja Puneet and Amandeep Thind. While raising her self-worth and deservability she focused on mending her relationships too. Her breakthroughs to achieve deep and warm connections amongst her dear ones came she trained with Intimacy Coach International Founder Anne-Marie Clulow-Visser.
"It was only when I came full circle battling with the initial non acceptance of my physical and emotional baggage, emerging with full acceptance and now the epitome of self love that I can look beyond my own challenges and observe that women and men hailing from far more stable circumstances than my are struggling with discord and dissatisfaction in their relationships and they are mostly hiding away from it! "
Such discord then impacted other areas of life too making family life go on a downward spiral.
She was convinced that if SHE could emerge with a victor mindset while defying all odds and live her teenage dream of a fulfilling and intimate relationship via her own growth, so can anyone else!
And just as Preet has demonstrated ownership and accountability for her life’s turnaround, she wanted to gift this feeling and experience to others.